The Jumper Presentation commenced at 6.00pm with the MC Alby Nuich welcoming parents and guests to the 2014 State Schoolboys/Girls jumper presentation to players selected for Western Australia to compete in the 15's State Schools National Carnival in Sydney.
Mr Rod Hazell, President of the WAFL Combined Past Players and Officials Assoiciation was invited to address the attendees and to say a few words on behalf of the Combined Association.
Representatives of the WAFL Combined Past Players and Officials Association assisted in the jumper presentation for the State Boys Squad on a club by club basis by presenting jumpers to the boys representing their Club.
The State Schoolgirls jumper presentation was conducted by the State School Girls Coach Oliver Beath.
The Captains and Vice Captains for each of the teams were announced as well as the student umpires that would be attending the carnival.
Representative of the WA Football Commission, the Schools Competition Manager Clayton Anderson addressed the Schoolboys and Girls.
Peter Smith the Director of School Sport WA closed the formalities by wishing all teams representing WA all the best in the Carnival and welcomed all attendees to light refreshments courtesy of Wayne Koch and his team from the Perth Past Players and Officials Association and the WAFL Combined Past Players and Officials Association.